Entertainment Link-Off: Robot Rumble

Tonight is the 2010 Video Game Awards on Spike. If you need a fresh reminder on the nominees, take a look at our predictions here. Plus, why wouldn’t you want to watch it when Neil Patrick Harris is hosting this? Anyway, kicking off this link-off is Kristen Bell. Yes she’s in the latest box office flop Burlesque, but on an unrelated note, she is nominated for her voice work in Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood at the Video Game Awards tonight.

After the jump Guillermo Del Toro wants you to see Scott Pilgrim, Michael Bay sorta apologizes for Revenge of the Fallen, more Transformers tidbits, new Thor trailer and poster and catch Inception in real time! Continue reading

Entertainment Link-Off: Get Tangled Up

It’s Thanksgiving Weekend in the United States, so Happy Thanksgiving to those who are south of the border. At this time of the year, there are plenty of films hitting the screens trying to make money from the long weekend. There’s the revenge action flick Faster starring Dwayne Johnson. Then Christina Aguilera and Cher collaborate in Burlesque. Disney is offering its own family fare Tangled starring Zachary Levi and Mandy Moore. I was going to kick off the ELO with something related to this movie, but then I came across Olivia Wilde’s latest photoshoot with Details. Might as well go with that since Tron Legacy will be hitting the screens very soon.

After the jump, Stephen King makes his top 10 flicks of the year already, Christopher Nolan explains Inception without really explaining it, David Letterman likes to hit on Natalie Portman and let’s all become asses! I mean Agents of Secret Stuff! Continue reading

Entertainment Link-Off: Looks Do Kill

The fall TV season has just begun as the CW kicked off its schedule earlier this week with the launch of the new shows Hellcats and Nikita. The former is more of a bland Bring It On knock-off and the latter is a rehash of the 1990 French film and the 1997 TV series. That being said, Nikita was surprisingly entertaining. It might not have brought anything new to the table, but the action sequences are superb and the storyline isn’t bad at all. I suppose it also helps that it stars the amazingly hot Maggie Q.

After the jump Bruce Campbell wants to make an all-star horror movie, a look at ‘jumping the shark’, NBC has given up on Chuck, At the Movies return, someone takes a watermelon to the face, a hot new Tron Legacy banner, Chris Klein’s ridiculously bad acting, having a mistress is a bad idea and Joseph Gordon-Levitt feels like having a bad romance. Continue reading

Entertainment Link-Off: Settling A Score

It’s September already?! Time certainly flies. So now that the summer burn-offs are out of the way, there’s finally a few movies to go see at the theatres again! Most notable one is the action throwback movie Machete starring Danny Trejo. He might not be the eye candy you’re looking for, but he does make a badass action hero. Speaking of eye candy, Jessica Alba is in this movie!

After the jump, a look at a Tron theme park, something that will help you understand Inception better, James Cameron fights off Piranhas, some love for Scott Pilgrim in the UK and watch out for a Hobo with a Shotgun. Continue reading

Entertainment Link-Off: Dance Like No One’s Watching

It’s the first weekend of August and the summer movies are starting to come to an end. This weekend there’s the dance movie franchise with declining popularity with Step Up 3D starring Aussie actress Sharni Vinson. The Step Up flicks aren’t that great plot-wise, but they fun to check out. However, I think the buddy cop comedy The Other Guys seem to be tracking better and is generating a lot more laughter as well. Plus, how can you not like a film with a loaded cast of Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg, Eva Mendes, Sam Jackson and Dwayne Johnson?

After the jump a lot of new Scott Pilgrim promo stuff to check out, the characters of Inception doesn’t quite get inception, Little Fockers is a little focked and Eva Mendes’ sex tape! Continue reading

Entertainment Link-Off: Smooth Sailing

The movie Charlie St. Cloud isn’t tracking very well at the moment and is looking to a decent sized opening weekend at the box office (I guess the teenage girls aren’t flocking to the theatres for this one). Meanwhile people are heading back to the theatres to watch Inception again or perhaps check out the new comedy Dinner for Schmucks. Anyway, back to Charlie St. Cloud. This supernatural romantic drama stars Zac Efron and the lovely Canadian actress Amanda Crew.

After the jump, alien invasion is the next big thing in Hollywood, more Inception related links, Sofia Vergara will run down Sunset Blvd. naked (maybe), Kevin Smith brings together geeks in love at Comic-Con and Joshua Jackson held a convention of his own last weekend. Continue reading

Entertainment Link-Off: Nerding It Up

Lowdown Blog readers should know that I usually just base the title of the ELO’s on a certain theme or ‘big ticket item’ of the weekend. Just to clarify, the title of the previous Entertainment Link-Off does not represent my interpretation of the film Inception. However I would like to point out that Inception is indeed a fantastic film, so go out and see it when you get the chance.

Kicking off this entry is Eva Mendes. Apparently she got some teenage boys really excited during The Other Guys panel on Friday.

In this slightly condensed version of the ELO, some additional Comic-Con related links, a nice Inception guide and the rise and fall of 3D movies. Continue reading

Entertainment Link-Off: It Was All A Dream

Inception is finally out this weekend! I’m sure there are plenty of folks intrigued by the trailers and all the buzz surrounding the film, but if you’re still not interested, here are two reasons why you should go: Ellen Page and Marion Cotillard.

After the jump, a few more Inception related links, Tron Legacy gets the Pixar touch, several first looks at upcoming films, Shaq takes on Justin Bieber, Steve Carrell makes a big decision and the return of McFly!!! Continue reading

Entertainment Link-Off: The Hunt Continues

The highly anticipated action/horror film Predators is finally out this weekend! Since the film only has one female star, let’s put some additional attention on her. Kicking off this week’s ELO is Alice Braga!

After the jump, more Predators related links, some awesome Tron Legacy tribute videos, Christopher Nolan wants to reboot Bond, a love song for cancelled TV shows and a special version of Twilight just for guys. Continue reading

Entertainment Link-Off: Feeling Blue

So I was off last week thanks to my wonderful busy schedule but I’m back! Let’s kick off the last weekend of June with The Saturdays! They got a brand new music video and you can take a look at that later on in this post.

After the jump, two movie trailers to look at, a few tidbits on the next Harold and Kumar film, some Inception stuff to blow your mind, new TV show alert, Disney + porn = social problems, nifty TV opening credits and the iPhone 4 has some nifty features. Continue reading