The John Isner – Nicolas Mahut Live Blog Insanity

Hopefully you haven’t stumbled across this post looking for a live blog of the insanity of this match. When we last left Court 18 at the All England Lawn & Tennis Club, John Isner and Nicolas Mahut were deadlocked at two sets apiece and at 59 games all in the fifth set. They’ve been going at it for some 10 hours in a first round match. But almost as big a story as that is, the live blog written by Xan Brooks for The Guardian newspaper took on a life of its own. What started as a simple live blog degenerated into insanity, delirium, and hilarity.

So to catch you up for today’s (expected) final part of the match and to commemorate this amazing live blog, here is Xan’s complete ramblings on Isner/Mahut. Continue reading