Sunday Link-Off: Recount

kristen-bell-emmy16-08So this week was a mildly interesting one in politics. I don’t think that anyone was actually expecting the election results to be challenged and certainly not by a third-party candidate. I doubt that anything will change but it plays into this ongoing concern over Russia’s influence in the election to support President-elect Trump.

Anyway, it’s Sunday which means that it’s time for us to do the links. Let’s kick things off with Kristen Bell.

The ethics lawyers for both President Bush and Obama say that the Electoral College should feel obligated to reject President-Elect Trump as his business interests leaves him in violation of the Constitution which forbids elected office holders from taking payments from foreign states. (Think Progress)

Speaking of which, Trump’s national security advisor has allegedly taken money from both Russia and Turkey. That wouldn’t be concerning at all. (The Independent)

Some writers have even less faith in a Trump presidency than most. (Foreign Policy)

Green Party candidate Jill Stein is following up on a report indicating there were voting irregularities with electronic voting in three states. There will be a recount in Wisconsin with Michigan and Pennsylvania to follow. (NBC News)

Have you ever wondered how fake news gains traction? Just look at the story of CNN (not) showing porn on Thursday. (The Verge)

Trump’s choice for education secretary supports a voucher program for schools which probably doesn’t make sense to non-Americans but such a program would take money out of public schools and go to private school depending on where students are enrolled. (Vox)

Meanwhile, in Ontario, we’re dealing with the quite unpopular Liberal government headed by Kathleen Wynne but why is she so hated? (MacLean’s)

You may not have heard but re-testing of old drug testing samples is causing a rewrite of Olympic history. (New York Times)

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